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Lesson #3—The Offending Party

Theme: Paul’s words about Onesimus teach us how to be reconciled to someone when we are the one who caused the offense.


THE CHURCH AND THE TRUTH – 1 Timothy 3:14-16

Theme: Paul describes the qualities that are to characterize those who serve the church as deacons.


Philemon Sunday School Series

Click on the links below to access the Adult Sunday School’s “Philemon” Study; each study is available both text and PDF format (the PDF link is at the bottom of the each study’s page). The list will be updated throughout the study. (PDF versions require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Philemon Sunday School Series orderby=title [...]


Philemon Sunday School Series

Click on the links below to access the Adult Sunday School’s “Philemon” Study; each study is available both text and PDF format (the PDF link is at the bottom of the each study’s page). The list will be updated throughout the study. (PDF versions require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Philemon Sunday School Series


Philemon Sunday School Series

Click on the links below to access the Adult Sunday School’s “Philemon” Study; each study is available both text and PDF format (the PDF link is at the bottom of the each study’s page). The list will be updated throughout the study. (PDF versions require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader) Philemon Sunday School Series

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