Holy Spirit Study Series

Click on the links below to download the PDF version of the notes on the new Holy Spirit Study: The Holy Spirit, Our Helper. The list will be updated throughout the study. (A zip file with all of these PDFs can be found here.)

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Lesson 1: Introduction

Lesson 2: The ‘Personhood’ of The Spirit

Lesson 3: The Deity of The Spirit

Lesson 4: The Spirit in The Trinity

Lesson 5: The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

Lesson 6: The Spirit’s Ministry in ‘Type’

Lesson 7: Jesus’ Teaching on the Holy Spirit (Part 1)

Lesson 8: Jesus’ Teaching on the Holy Spirit (Part 2)

Lesson 9: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lord’s Life

Lesson 10: The Holy Spirit’s Work in The Church

Lesson 11: Our Endless Resource of Joy

Lesson 12: Believers–the Dwelling Place of God

Lesson 13: ‘That He May Abide With You Forever’

Lesson 14: Grieving & Quenching the Spirit

Lesson 15: ‘Baptized by The Spirit’–What Does That Mean

Lesson 16: Baptism–Identified with Jesus Forever

Lesson 17:Holy Spirit. ‘Sealed by The Spirit’

Lesson 18: ‘The Pervasive and Prevailing Influence’

Lesson 19: ‘A Heart for The Spirit’s Filling’

Lesson 20: ‘Results of The Spirit’s Filling’ (Part 1)

Lesson 21: ‘Results of The Spirit’s Filling (Part 2)

Lesson 22: The Spirit Who ‘Gifts’ the Church

Lesson 23: ‘The Gift of Gifted Equippers’

Lesson 24: The Spirit’s ‘Speaking’ Gifts

Lesson 25: The Spirit’s ‘Ministering’ Gifts

Lesson 26: ‘Our Helper in Prayer’

Lesson 27: ‘The Holy Spirit’s Affirming Witness’

Lesson 28: ‘The Spirit’s Help in The Study of The Word’

Lesson 29: ‘The Helper of The Believer’s Walk’

Lesson 30: ‘The Spirit’s Help in Times of Temptation’

Lesson 31: ‘The Holy Spirit–Our Power to Witness’

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