PM Bible Studies
Theme: Spiritual repentance before God shows itself in active reforms of obedience.
- THE PRAYER OF REPENTANCE - February 26, 2020
Theme: We are given a model prayer of repentance for a time of revival.
Theme: Nehemiah 8 shows us the main characteristics of a spiritual revival among God's people.
- PERIMETER & PEOPLE - January 22, 2020
Theme: In setting up walls of holy distinction, there must also be preservation of holy service.
- THE TACTICS OF FEAR - December 11, 2019
Theme: The enemy of our soul seeks to dishearten us from God's work through the tactics of fear—and we must resist him.
- "WILL YOU EVEN SELL YOUR BRETHREN?" - November 13, 2019
Theme: We must reverence God in the ways that we treat one another; so that the work of Christ is not hindered by us.
Theme: In the face of the threats against God's work, God's people should remember the Lord ... and keep right on working.
- ALL WHO BUILT - September 25, 2019
Theme: Nehemiah 3 shows us how various groups of God's people can work together to do various portions of God's work until all is done.
- PRUDENCE IN GOD'S WORK - September 11, 2019
Theme: Nehemiah is an example of how to get God's work done 'prudently'—that is, by thoughtful prayer, careful planning, informed persuasion, and determined protection.
- 'THE GOOD HAND OF MY GOD' - August 14, 2019
Theme: The servants of God's cause find success only by praying for God's good hand.
Theme: God used the bad news about the broken walls of Jerusalem to raise up a faithful rebuilder.
- A CHARGE TO THE CHURCH - June 26, 2019
Theme: Paul offers some closing words to the persecuted church in Thessalonica.
- THE SIN OF IDLENESS - June 12, 2019
Theme: As followers together of the Lord Jesus, we must confront idleness and model industriousness.
Theme: Paul models a confident dependency upon the Lord—both for reaching the lost and for protecting the saints.
Theme: The Antichrist's deceit comes as a judgment from God upon those who hate the truth.
- THE LAWLESS ONE (Part 3) - April 10, 2019
Theme: The Antichrist's deceit comes as a judgment from God upon those who hate the truth.
- THE LAWLESS ONE (Part 2) - March 27, 2019
Theme: God keeps the activities of the Antichrist under restraint until His own appointed time.
- THE LAWLESS ONE (Part 1) - March 13, 2019
Theme: Comfort comes from having correct biblical knowledge about the events of the last days.
- ENTRUSTED UNTO GLORY - December 12, 2018
Theme: We are entrusted to the safe-keeping of God unto sure and certain glory.
- CHURCH POINTS-OF-CONTACTS - November 14, 2018
Theme: Our walk in the Lord should show itself in how we conduct the various relationships that our church life touches.
- LIVING LIFE ON THE WATCH - October 24, 2018
Theme: The anticipation of the coming day of the Lord is a comfort to those who watch for it.
- GRIEVING WITH HOPE - October 10, 2018
Theme: The promise of the Lord's coming gives us comfort with regard to fellow believers who sleep in death.
- LET BROTHERLY LOVE GROW - September 12, 2018
Theme: We must seek to let our brotherly love in Christ grow as a witness to the world.
Theme: As part of our walk in Christ, we must be sanctified in the area of sexuality.
- BLESSED WISHES - August 8, 2018
Theme: The joy of our salvation expresses itself in the wishes of each other's blessedness.
Theme: The good news of enduring faith brings comfort to one another and praise to God.
- 'BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES' - July 11, 2018
Theme: Because tribulation and persecution will come, we must help establish one another's faithfulness to Christ.
Theme: The temporal nature of our fellowship in Christ makes the hope of our eternal fellowship in heaven all the sweeter.
Theme: The way in which those who receive the gospel are willing to suffer for doing so is something that shows forth its truth as a message from God.
Theme: The manner in which we present the gospel should give proof that it is the real thing
Theme: How a believer first receives the message of the gospel provides evidence of his or her election.
Theme: The love that the redeemed share with Jesus is wonderfully worthy of pursuing.
- THE FOREVERNESS OF TOGETHERNESS – Song of Solomon 8:5-7 - March 14, 2018
Theme: Our love for Jesus is mature when we desire it to be as eternal and intense as He desires for it to be.
- PLEASANT FRUITS FOR MY BELOVED – Song of Solomon 7:11-8:4 - February 28, 2018
Theme: The more we give ourselves to the delight of our Savior, the deeper our love for Him will grow.
- THE BELOVED'S DESIRE – Song of Solomon 6:13-7:10 - January 24, 2018
Theme: We should take it to heart that—by grace—we have been made the delight of our Savior.
- GONE TO HIS GARDEN – Song of Solomon 6:1-10 - January 10, 2018
Theme: In times of the wandering of our heart, our Savior’s delight in our fellowship beckons us back to Him.
- THE TEN-FOLD BEAUTY OF OUR BELOVED – Song of Solomon 5:9-16 - December 13, 2017
Theme: Our beloved Savior is excellent in ten wonderful ways.
- 'LET MY BELOVED COME TO HIS GARDEN …' – Song of Solomon 4:8-5:1 - October 25, 2017
Theme: The great motivation of our lives should be the prospect of being the exclusive delight of our Savior.
- 'ALL FAIR' - Song of Solomon 3:6-4:7 - October 11, 2017
Theme: The Lord Jesus delights in the perfections He will have brought about in us in our glorification.
- THE SONG OF SONGS – Song of Solomon; Introduction; 1:1-4 - September 13, 2017
Theme: The song begins by declaring an expression of divine love at its fullest.
- THE STORY OF HOW LOVE BEGAN – Song of Solomon 1:5-17 - August 23, 2017
Theme: The beginnings of the love between the Shulamite and Solomon illustrate how our love story with our Savior began.
- THE SONG OF SONGS – Song of Solomon; Introduction; 1:1-4 - August 9, 2017
Theme: The song begins by declaring an expression of divine love at its fullest.
- A FEW CLOSING WORDS – Hebrews 13:20-25 - July 26, 2017
Theme: In his closing comments, the writer offers a final benediction to his suffering fellow believers.
- OBEYING & PRAYING – Hebrews 13:17-19 - June 28, 2017
Theme: The writer encourages his persecuted readers to relate rightly to their spiritual leaders.
- OUTSIDE THE CAMP – Hebrews 13:11-16 - June 14, 2017
Theme: The follower of Jesus must follow Jesus 'outside' the accepted standards of this world.
- ESTABLISHED BY GRACE – Hebrews 13:7-10 - May 25, 2017
Theme: The writer of Hebrews exhorts his fellow believers to maintain integrity to the doctrine of grace
- PURITY UNDER PRESSURE – Hebrews 13:4-6 - May 10, 2017
Theme: The writer of Hebrews instructs believers in the moral purity that should characterize God's people during times of cultural pressure.
- 'IN THE BODY ALSO' – Hebrews 13:1-3 - April 26, 2017
Theme: The writer gives us three necessary principles for relationships in the body of Christ during times of persecution and trouble.
- DO NOT REFUSE HIM WHO SPEAKS! – Hebrews 12:18-29 - March 22, 2017
Theme: In light of the greater grace of the New Covenant, we must not refuse God's call through Jesus.
- ESPRIT DE CORPS – Hebrews 12:12-17 - March 8, 2017
Theme: The writer of Hebrews encourages his readers to aid one another in living faithfully for Christ.
- SEVEN HELPS FOR TIMES OF TESTING – Hebrews 12:3-11 - February 8, 2017
Theme: The writer of Hebrews sets before his readers some counsel for going through times of trial.
- SO THEN … LET'S RUN! – Hebrews 12:1-2 - January 25, 2017
Theme: Because of all that's been done before us, we must run the race of faith set ahead of us.
- NOT APART FROM US – Hebrews 11:33-40 - November 9, 2016
Theme: It was God's plan that the faithful Old Testament saints were to be one in faith with us through the hope of Christ.
- THE FAITH OF THE PROPHETS – Hebrews 11:32g - October 12, 2016
Theme: The prophets of the Old Testament are examples of a faith that actively trusts in the promises of God.
- THE FAITH OF SAMUEL – Hebrews 11:32f - September 28, 2016
Theme: The prophet Samuel's story teaches us how faith in God's promises sustains us during dark and discouraging times.
- THE FAITH OF DAVID – Hebrews 11:32e - September 14, 2016
Theme: David's story illustrates for us what it looks like to live a whole life of confident faith in God's promises.
- THE FAITH OF JEPHTHAH – Hebrews 11:32c - August 10, 2016
Theme: Jephthah's story of faith shows us that when we trust His promises, God can use us—even when those closest to us reject us.
- THE FAITH OF SAMSON – Hebrews 11:32c - July 27, 2016
Theme: Samson's story shows us how we can have faith that God will keep His promises—even when we ourselves often prove unfaithful.
- THE FAITH OF BARAK – Hebrews 11:32b - May 25, 2016
Theme: The writer of Hebrews shows us how the Old Testament hero Barak—though timid and insecure—nevertheless trusted in the promise of God and brought about a great victory for his people.
- THE FAITH OF GIDEON – Hebrews 11:32a - May 11, 2016
Theme: The writer of Hebrews highlights the faith of the Old Testament hero Gideon.
- ACTS OF FAITH IN JERICHO – Hebrews 11:30-31 - April 27, 2016
Theme: By faith, not only did the people of Israel conquer the city of Jericho, but one of its believing citizens was spared.
- MOSES' LIFE OF FAITH – Hebrews 11:23-29 - April 13, 2016
Theme: This passage traces the major milestones of faith in the life of Moses.
- FOUR PATRIARCHS WHO HAD FAITH – Hebrews 11:17-22 - March 9, 2016
Theme: The patriarchs of Israel illustrate for us how to have faith in the promises of God.
- PRINCIPLES FOR PILGRIMS – Hebrews 11:13-16 - February 24, 2016
Theme: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob illustrate what it looks like to be 'pilgrims' on this earth by faith.
- A FAITH THAT ACTS ON GOD'S PROMISE – Hebrews 11:7 - February 23, 2016
Theme: The story of Noah exemplifies for us the kind of faith that acts on the promise of God.
- ABRAHAM'S MILESTONES OF FAITH – Hebrews 11:8-12 - February 10, 2016
Theme: Abraham's three great milestones before God give us a great illustration of faith
- THE NATURE OF FAITH – Hebrews 11:1-6 - January 13, 2016
Theme: The writer exhorts his readers to be faithful to Jesus by reminding them of the nature of faith.
- 'DO NOT CAST AWAY YOUR CONFIDENCE' – Hebrews 10:26-39 - December 9, 2015
Theme: The writer offers sound reasons for not drawing back from the throne of grace because of opposition to the faith.
- THREE RESOLVES – Hebrews 10:19-25 - November 11, 2015
Theme: The writer of Hebrews urges the believer to embrace three key resolves in response to God's grace to us in Christ.
- THE OFFERINGS ARE COMPLETED – Hebrews 10:1-18 - September 23, 2015
Theme: The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is a one-time offering that satisfies the need for the Old Covenant sacrifices for sin.
- THE DEATH OF THE TESTATOR – Hebrews 9:16-26 - August 12, 2015
Theme: Just as the Old Covenant was dedicated by blood sacrifice, so the New Covenant is dedicated by the better sacrifice of our Mediator Jesus Christ.
- A HEAVENLY SANCTUARY – Hebrews 9:1-15 - July 8, 2015
Theme: This passage compares the limitations of the earthly sanctuary with the perfections of the heavenly sanctuary.
- THE NEW COVENANT – Hebrews 8:7-13 - June 24, 2015
Theme: In the light of the Lord Jesus' High Priestly Mediatorship, the writer highlights the glories of the New Covenant.
- 'SUCH A HIGH PRIEST' – Hebrews 8:1-6 - June 10, 2015
Theme: After describing Jesus' superiorities over the Old Covenant priesthood, the writer stresses the glorious truth that “We have such a High Priest”.
- OUR ANCHOR HOLDS – Hebrews 6:13-20 - May 27, 2015
Theme: The basis of our spiritual security is the sure promises of God through Christ.
- BETTER COVENANT . . . BETTER PRIESTHOOD – Hebrews 7:1-28 - May 27, 2015
Theme: Jesus is presented to us as the High Priest of a better covenant by being of a superior priestly order than that of Levi.
- CONFIDENT OF BETTER THINGS – Hebrews 6:9-12 - April 22, 2015
Theme: The writer of Hebrews is so confident of his reader's salvation that he urges them to strive on to perfection.
- THE GREAT IMPOSSIBILITY – Hebrews 6:4-8 - April 8, 2015
Theme: There are some for whom, after turning away from God's grace toward them, a renewal to repentance is impossible.
- PROGRESSING IN KNOWLEDGE – Hebrews 5:11-6:3 - March 25, 2015
Theme: The writer of Hebrews tells his readers that it is their obligation to go forward into a deeper knowledge of Christian doctrine.
- OUR HIGH PRIEST'S QUALIFICATIONS – Hebrews 5:1-10 - March 11, 2015
Theme: The writer of Hebrews assures his readers that Jesus is qualified—above any other—to be our all-sufficient High Priest before God.
- COME TO THE THRONE & RECEIVE! – Hebrews 4:14-16 - February 25, 2015
Theme: The writer of Hebrews encourages his readers to hold fast their confession of faith, and to come to the throne of grace for all they need.
- GOD & HIS WORD – Hebrews 4:12-13 - February 11, 2015
Theme: The writer of Hebrews highlights the qualities of the word of God and of the God of the word.
- DILIGENT TO ENTER GOD'S REST – Hebrews 4:1-11 - January 28, 2015
Theme: A rest that is from God remains to be enjoyed; and we must be diligent to appropriate it through a persistent faith in Christ.
- JESUS: FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION – Hebrews 3:1-6 - December 10, 2014
Theme: We are to consider the superiority of Jesus' New Covenant ministry over the Old Covenant ministry of Moses.
- A REDEEMER LIKE HIS BRETHREN – Hebrews 2:5-18 - November 12, 2014
Theme: This passage shows us the necessity of Christ's incarnation to our salvation—and the love He has shown toward us in it.
- JESUS' SUPREMACY OVER THE ANGELS - Hebrews 1:5-2:4 - October 8, 2014
Theme: The supremacy of Jesus over the angels means that we ought to submit to the good news that has been declared to us concerning Him.
- THE SUPERIORITIES OF CHRIST - Hebrews 1:1-4; Introduction - September 24, 2014
Theme: To make a case for the supremacy of the Christian faith, Jesus is presented as superior to all.
- THE FULL RESTORATION - John 21:15-25 - September 10, 2014
Theme: The book of John closes with a full restoration of Jesus' fallible disciples to His call for them.
- GRACE FOR BREAKFAST - John 21:1-14 - August 27, 2014
Theme: The story of our resurrected Lord's appearances to His disciples affirms the trustworthiness of faith in their testimony.
- 'THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE' - John 20:19-31 - August 13, 2014
Theme: The story of our resurrected Lord's appearances to His disciples affirms the trustworthiness of faith in their testimony.
- THE EMPTY TOMB THAT WASN'T ENTIRELY 'EMPTY' - John 20:1-10 - July 9, 2014
Theme: John tells us of the of how an investigation of Jesus' tomb resulted in belief on the part of the disciples.
- THE KING ON THE CROSS - John 19:17-30 - June 11, 2014
Theme: John tells us how the crucifixion of our Lord fulfilled the promises of God.
- "BEHOLD YOUR KING!" - John 18:39-19:16 - May 28, 2014
Theme: In His trial, our Lord was presented to His own—and His own rejected Him.
- "WHAT IS TRUTH?" - John 18:28-38 - May 14, 2014
Theme: In His interrogation before Pilate, Jesus presented Himself as the only answer to the great question, "What is truth?"
- UNFAITHFUL DISCIPLE—FAITHFUL SAVIOR - John 18:12-27 - April 23, 2014
Theme: The faithfulness of our Savior during His trial is highlighted by the unfaithfulness of Peter during his denial.
- THE LION AS LAMB - John 18:1-11 - April 9, 2014
Theme: In the garden, He who is the Son of God exhibited great meekness in laying down His life for us.
- JESUS' PRAYER FOR US - John 17:20-26 - March 26, 2014
Theme: In His 'High-Priestly prayer', Jesus prays for all those of us who will believe on Him.
- JESUS' PRAYER FOR HIS MEN - John 17:6-19 - March 12, 2014
Theme: Jesus—in His High-Priestly prayer—prayed for the apostles who would bear testimony of Him to the world.
- 'THE HOUR HAS COME' - John 17:1-5 - February 26, 2014
Theme: Jesus prays concerning what would be brought about through the cross with respect to Himself.
- NEW REALITIES IN CHRIST - John 16:25-33 - February 12, 2014
Theme: New realities have now been brought about for us because of what Jesus has done.