Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on June 27, 2018 under PM Bible Study | Be the First to Comment

PM Bible Study Group; June 27, 2018 – from 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

Theme: The temporal nature of our fellowship in Christ makes the hope of our eternal fellowship in heaven all the sweeter.

(All Scripture is taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated).

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Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on under AM Bible Study | Be the First to Comment

AM Bible Study Group; June 27, 2018 from Jude 8-10

Theme: Apostasy shows itself in its arrogant tendency to speak irreverently of spiritual realities.

(All Scripture is taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated).

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THE MIND OF CHRIST – 1 Corinthians 2:14-16

Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on June 24, 2018 under 2018 | Be the First to Comment

Bethany Bible Church Sunday message; June 24, 2018 from 1 Corinthians 2:14-16

Theme: The redeemed man or woman in Christ has the mind of Christ, and can thus discern spiritual truth.

(All Scripture is taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated).

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Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on June 20, 2018 under AM Bible Study | Be the First to Comment

AM Bible Study Group; June 20, 2018 from Jude 5-7

Theme: The Bible gives a clear declaration of how unrepentant apostasy ends in divine judgment.

(All Scripture is taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated).

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MENTORING WITH FATHERLY LOVE – 2 Timothy; various portions

Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on June 17, 2018 under 2018 | Be the First to Comment

Bethany Bible Church Father’s Day Sunday Message; June 17, 2018 from 2 Timothy; various portions

Theme: Paul’s relationship with Timothy gives us an example of how to mentor a growing fellow believer with ‘fatherly love’.

(All Scripture is taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated).

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Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on June 13, 2018 under PM Bible Study | Be the First to Comment

PM Bible Study Group; June 13, 2018 – Introduction; 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

Theme: The way in which those who receive the gospel are willing to suffer for doing so is something that shows forth its truth as a message from God.

(All Scripture is taken from The New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated).

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