Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on May 10, 2009 under 2009 | Be the First to Comment

Preached Mother’s Day; May 10, 2009
Various Passages from Genesis

Theme: We owe honor to our first mother on Mother’s Day; because her story is a key part of our own story of redemption.

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Martyrs Under the Altar

Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on May 6, 2009 under AM Bible Study | Be the First to Comment

AM Bible Study, May 6, 2009
Revelation 6:9-11

Theme: The opening of the fifth seal reveals the great martyrdom of the saints during the time of tribulation.  Read more of this article »

Sacred Scholarship

Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on May 3, 2009 under 2009 | Be the First to Comment

Preached May 3, 2009
Psalm 111

Theme: True wisdom shows itself through contemplating and praising God for His wonderful works.

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