When God Preached the Gospel

Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on February 22, 2009 under 2009 | Be the First to Comment

Preached Sunday, February 22, 2009 
from Isaiah 55:1-3

Theme: God exhibits His own zeal for the Good News by the way He Himself proclaims it.

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A Sovereign Sacrifice

Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on February 15, 2009 under 2009 | Be the First to Comment

Preached Sunday, February 15, 2009 
from Matthew 26.17-25

Theme: Jesus was absolutely sovereign in His act of offering Himself for us on the cross as an atoning sacrifice.

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Our Witness in “Attitude”

Posted by Pastor Greg Allen on February 8, 2009 under 2009 | Be the First to Comment

Preached Sunday, February 8, 2009
Philippians 2:14-16

Theme: We advance the cause of the gospel in the world when we keep an attitude of thankful submission to God in the midst hard times.

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