Abram & Sarai
"In Genesis chapter 16:5, why was Sarai angry with Abram when it was her idea in verse 2 to give her maid to Abram in the first place?"
Theology in Ministry
"How does God use theology in ministry?"
Would the Levi, the tax collector, in the chapter 5 of the Book of Luke be a descendant of the tribe of Levi, a son of Jacob in the
Old Testament? The people of the tribe of Levi was supposed to work as priests or at least some attendants in the temple, weren't they?
The Oceans
Why does God do away with the oceans? In Rev. 21:1, we are told there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and there will be no more sea. As much as I trust God's judgment, I have to admit it kills me to think I will never stand by the wild, free, beautiful ocean ever again—for all eternity. I grew up by the ocean, and it is my favorite place on earth. To know I'll never hear a seagull cry as it soars over the open water makes me feel positively claustrophobic! I know I am not alone in this since so many people visit and live by the sea. Why does a loving Father take away something that so many of His children hold so dear?
Genesis 48:5
Could you please tell me why in Genesis 48 verse 5 why Israel tells Joseph
that Ephraim and Manasseh are his?
Non-Christian Marriages & Adultery
"As a Christian, I have been struggling to find the answer to this issue.
If someone has sexual relations with a woman or man that is married, it is considered adultery. But what if that marriage is between two
non-Christians and is not recognized in the eyes of God? ie. civil ceremony, etc. Would that still be considered adultery?"
Children's Salvation
"I am 19 years old. I am also a wife and mother. Before my husband
and I got married we had twin girls. My husband and I are both Christians
and we are concerned about the children being saved. We were concerned particularly about
Deuteronomy 23:2. Can you please give us some insight on this?"
"In the case of a person who was born prematurely, and that has mental disorders that cause them to not fully understand what is going on; are they competent enough to be held accountable before God on the Day of Judgment? Most of their emotions are due to their disability."
1 John 1:9
Would you give a short explanation of I John 1:9?
Sins of the World
What does 1 Cor. 15:22 refer to? It seems to me, in considering the context of what Paul is saying in this
chapter, that all will be resurrected back to life. Jesus is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world (1 John 4:10) past, present, future; right? I take the "all" to include everyone.
Jesus' Call for Elijah
"Why in Matthew 27:46-47 do the people say that Jesus was
calling out for Elijah, when the text says He was saying, "My God, My God,
why have you forsaken me?"
Unsaved Loved Ones
How do we handle the fact that, if our loved ones do not become saved, they
will go to Hell? This is so hard to come to terms with, when we love others such as family members.
1 John 1:9
Would you give a short explanation of I John 1:9?
12 Thrones
How could Jesus tell the 12 they would set
on 12 thrones, when He had to know that Judas was going to betray him and
would not be in Heaven?
Involved God
Does God still answer prayers and get involved in situations in our daily lives?
How many heavens?
The Bible talks about more than one heaven. Please help me to understand where the first heaven and second, third, fourth heavens are at.
Subject of the Bible
What subject is mentioned in the Bible the most?
The Holy Spirit
Is there Scripture that clearly states the Holy Spirit is God?
Question: Is it a sin to smoke?
Question: Is it biblical for a Christian to get a tattoo?
Unforgiveable Sin
A visitor to our website asks this question about the "unforgivable sin":
"I've been told by different people different things about the "unforgivable sin". Some say that it's the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ when the Holy Spirit reveals Him to be the Savior. Others say that it's the sin of attributing the miracles of Jesus Christ to Satan. While the latter is really bad, is it unforgivable? What would make it
unforgivable? I can see how rejecting Christ becomes unforgivable; but what about the other?"
A visitor to our website writes with a question about "vengeance" in the
Bible. He reads Romans 12:19 - "Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but give
place to wrath; for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,' says
the Lord." He was told that to avenge does not mean vindictiveness,
revenge, or retaliation; but that it means restoration of wholeness and
integrity. He was told that cries to God for vengeance in the Bible are
often cries for redemption, restoration, health, and healing. He writes to
ask for clarification on this.
Saturday Sabbath
I've just one question I'd like you to consider as your time and interest allows. The reward/ condemnation for failing to consider are eternal in nature. Why do you worship on and/or observe the Sabbath on Sunday? God clearly stated in Exodus 20 as the Fourth Commandment that the Sabbath (seventh day of the week Saturday) shall be kept holy, He blessed and sanctified the Sabbath.
Creation Question for the Birds
A visitor to our website asks a question about creation. He reads these words in Genesis 1:20-21; "Then God said, 'Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.' So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." Then, he asks this question...
Worshipping Jesus
If, in Exodus 20, we are forbidden from worshiping any other gods but the one true God, then is it wrong to worship Jesus?
Church Family
My question is: How important is the church family to our spiritual lives? Should we treat our church family as an extension of our family, nurturing and holding ourselves accountable to them; or do treat it the same as school and work - a desirable necessity, but not crucial?
Equally Sinful?
"It seems to me that certain sins are worse than others (e.g.,
compare Hitler to the 'average' sinner), but I feel that this is a human
standard and that God does not draw such distinctions...Taking
this to the next logical step, are all saints viewed the same once in
Old Names
"Who was Cephus in the Bible?"
Revelations Revisited
"When will the events described in the Book of Revelation happen?"
Where are our souls before conception?
"In the opening passage of Jeremiah's prophecy, we read: 'Before
I formed you in the womb I knew you,' and in Psalm 139:16 David said:
'Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they
all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were
none of them.' It is clear from the Bible that from the womb, we are
a person in God's eyes. However, my question is about our souls.
"Since persons have eternal souls, where are our souls before conception?"
Bishops and Cretans
"Was Apostle Paul inspired by God when he wrote in Titus 1:5-14
concerning bishops? If so, how come White Baptists don't have bishops
in their churches and Catholic bishops are not married? Also, if Paul
can say "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons... Therefore
rebuke them sharply," can't we say that others are always liars and
evil beasts; and deceivers especially Cessasionists who are to be rebuked
Playing Cards
"Some people make comments about 'playing cards' as something that's
'not Christian'. What does the Bible say about this?"
Does it take a tragedy?
"Why do bad things have to happen before we wake up?"
God's Curse
"Are we still under God's curse?"
Dreadful Stories
"I believe by faith that all of the Bible is God-breathed; but
I wonder why some of the accounts were important enough to God that
He would ensure them to be recorded for all history. For example, tonight
I read Judges 19:1-30, which is the account of the Levite and his concubine.
It was such a wicked, horrid and vulgar story. Why do you think that
these kinds of accounts are important for us to read and know?"
Sins of the fathers?
"During a recent Bible study group session, we were reading 2 Chronicles
25:4; where it forbids that "the children be put to death for their
fathers". All of us recalled reading Exodus 34:7; where it says that
God visits the iniquities of the fathers on the children. We're questioning
the contradiction between these two books and verses; and would be very
interested in your explaining this to us."
Difference between Pharisees and
"In Luke. 18:13 I read about the Pharisee praying his prayer, thanking
God that he is not like the other men. Then the tax collector prayed
his prayer of humility. Somehow I always thought that the other man
was a Sadducee; and I was surprised when I read it again and found it
was the tax collector and not the Sadducee. Where did I get the idea
that the Sadducee was 'sad you see', and that therefore that was how
you distinguish one from the other? What is the difference between the
Pharisee and the Sadducee? Is there any other place that uses the Pharisee
and the Sadducee in a situation that would have made me think that the
Sadducee was a humble man?"
Baptized for the dead?
"I have a question about 1 Corinthians 15:29. In the New International
Version, this verse reads, 'Now if there is no resurrection, what will
those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are to raised at
all, why are people baptized for them?' I have been confused in the
past by Mormon teaching on this verse; and I still get twisted around
by it. It sounds as if this verse is saying that, if people are going
to be raised from the dead, then it's okay to be baptized for the dead.
What does this verse really mean?"
Too Young for Communion?
"I have heard many pastors say that one should not take communion
unless one truly believes in the meaning behind the ritual. How does
this apply to children? I believe that very young children cannot comprehend
the depth of Christ's sacrifice; while they can believe in God and Jesus,
they are not mature enough to understand what His sacrifice means to
us. 1 Corinthians 11:26 says, 'For as often as you eat this bread and
drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes.' In Deuteronomy
1:39, it says: '(Y)our little ones and your children ... today have
no knowledge of good and evil.'
"How could a child who has not reached the age of accountability,
and cannot discern good and evil, make the proclamation of Christ's
death and it's meaning?"
More Revelations Questions
"I am always told that the first three and a half years of
Tribulation will be peaceful. I know that in Daniel the Bible says that
the Antichrist will break his covenant with Israel in the middle of
the 7 years, does this necessarily mean that it will be peaceful in
the first half. I can't really find any scriptures that tell me that.
"(T)he book of Daniel... says that the Antichrist will not
desire women. Some people take this to mean he will be an open homosexual.
Could it not just be that he won't desire women in the same way that
Jesus didn't thus making himself LOOK even more Christlike?"
Reconciling Habakkuk with Job
"In Habakkuk 1:13, the prophet says that God is 'of purer
eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness,' and yet, in
Job 1 and 2 Satan not only enters into the presence of God, but carries
on a conversation with Him. How do we reconcile Hab. 1:13 and Job 1
and 2?
Revealing Revelations
"I would very much like to know the meaning behind one third in
the book of Revelations in regards to the Trumpets and destruction.
Please help me with this.
"I would also like to ask a second question if you would not
mind. I am having great difficulty in understanding chapters 6,7,8,9
of Revelations. Can you help me out?"
Nathan Who?
"In 2 Samuel 7, we read about Nathan the prophet. Could this be
David's son, the same Nathan we read about in Chapter 5?"
Sermon Preparation
A minister recently visited our "Questions To The Pastor" section
and asked, "How do you prepare a sermon?" Here's Pastor Greg's answer
Revelations: Millenial Interpretations
"What are all the views and the Biblical backing for the three
main views (premillennial, postmillennial, and dispensational) on how
the book of Revelation is interpreted, and what, in your opinion, is
the correct view on this topic?"
The Role of "Elders" in
the Church?
"The Bible talks about 'elders' in the church. Are these official
positions in the church, or are they just people who are recognized
as more mature members of a local church family? How do 'elders' relate
to other 'appointed positions' in the church such as 'pastors'?"
New Heaven?
"Can you give some insight into the Bible's teaching about
'the new heaven and the new earth'? Some groups teach that the 144,000
mentioned in the Book of Revelation will be the only ones in the new
heaven; and that everyone else will be in the new earth. What is the
new heaven and the new earth? Are these two different places? Who will
be in them?"
Which Bible?
"I have two questions. The first one is, what Bible do you
recommend? My eyes are getting worse as I get older, and I like to replace
my old one to a large print version. The second question is, what is
this Gender-neutral version I been hearing about? It all sound nice,
but wouldn't that alter the real meaning of what the Bible is saying?"
Kneeling During Prayer?
"I pray everyday, the longest before going to sleep. But rarely
do I ever get on my knees. It's not because of bad knees, it's more
of being lazy or comfort. Do you think that weakens my prayer?"
The Order of Melchizedek
"The Bible tells us that Jesus was a priest after the Order
of Melchizedek rather than the imperfect Levitical priesthood from the
lineage of Aaron. What is it that God wants me to understand by this,
here and now, in my life?"
September 11, 2001
"After the horrors of this morning's events in the east, I
have to wonder what we can do? My kids are all numb and almost destroyed
psychologically — what can I tell them (and me) to ease the pain?"
Have a pressing question you'd like to Ask the Pastor? Click here!