Preached Sunday, December 5, 2010 from 2 Chronicles 14-16 Theme: The story of King Asa teaches us, in all situations of life, to make the Lord our first trust. (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) This morning, in our study of the lives of the kings of Judah, we come to the story of King...
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Preached Sunday, November 28, 2010 from 2 Chronicles 13:1-22; 1 Kings 15:1-8 Theme: As the story of King Abijah teaches us, great acts of faith today cannot—on their own—ensure our loyalty to God in the future. (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) The stories of the Old Testament kings...
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Preached Thanksgiving Sunday, November 21, 2010 from Psalm 116:12-14 Theme: In Psalm 116, the psalmist exemplifies for us how to offer ‘the sacrifice of thanksgiving’ to God in a way that pleases Him. Listen to this sermon online! (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) This ...
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Preached Sunday, November 14, 2010 from 1 Kings 12:1-24;14:21-31 Theme: The story of Rehoboam shows us the dangers of not preparing  our heart to seek the Lord. Listen to this sermon online! (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) As we continue our study this morning of the Kings of Judah, we...
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Preached Sunday, November 7, 2010 from Luke 4:1-13 Theme: The temptations our Lord suffered in the wilderness teach us important spiritual lessons about our own times of temptation to sin. Listen to this sermon online! (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) I ask you to turn with me, this...
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Preached Sunday, October 31, 2010 from 1 Kings 1-11 Theme: The privileges of God’s favor in our lives do not exempt us from the dangers of unfaithfulness to Him. Listen to this sermon online! (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) We come this morning, in our study of the lives of the...
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