A Conscience Without Offense

PM Home Bible Study; April 22, 2009 Acts 24:1-27 Theme: Paul’s defense before Governor Felix highlights the value there is in keeping ‘a conscience without offense toward God and men’ with respect to the spread of the gospel. In our most recent studies of Acts, we have examined Paul’s arrival and arrest in Jerusalem (Acts 21:18-22:29), and his defense before the Jewish...
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Safe Passages

PM Home Bible Study Group; April 8, 2009 The Book of Acts Theme: This portion of Acts shows the Lord’s sovereign hand on Paul as He moves him into ever greater places of witness. Jesus makes a promise to Paul in this section of Acts; “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome” (Acts 23:11). Jesus would keep His...
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Arrest in Jerusalem

Wednesday PM Bible Study; March 25, 2009 Acts 21:17-22:29 Theme: This passage reveals the incidents that Paul experienced in Jerusalem that led, ultimately, to an open door to bring the Gospel to Rome. Paul—being ‘bound’ in his spirit—was on the way to Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit had already revealed to him on several occasions that chains and tribulation awaited him there...
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