'REMEMBER THAT YOU WERE A SLAVE' – Deuteronomy 15:1-18

AM Bible Study Group; July 6, 2011 Deuteronomy 15:1-18 Theme: In this chapter, God’s people are instructed to show mercy to those who are placed under them because of pressing need. In this chapter, God gave His people specific instructions to regulate those cases in which someone had to place themselves into servitude to someone else because of pressing needs. In all of it, the people are...
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TITHE ALL THE INCREASE – Deuteronomy 14:21(b)-29

AM Bible Study Group; June 29, 2011 Theme: In this chapter, God’s people are instructed to honor Him with the tithe of His blessings upon them. In giving instructions to God’s people regarding the law, as they were about to enter the promised land, Moses also gives instructions regarding the tithe. Faithfulness in bringing in a tithe of what God blessed the people with was vital to...
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'FOR YOU ARE A HOLY PEOPLE . . .' – Deuteronomy 14:1-21a

AM Bible Study Group; June 22, 2011 Deuteronomy 14:1-21a Theme: In this chapter, God’s people are instructed to be ‘separate’ in they way they mourn and in the way they eat. God calls His people to be holy (that is, separate from the ways of this world, and set apart unto Him for His pleasure and purposes). And this holiness is to be expressed everything they do—even in such...
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LOVING GOD ABOVE ALL OTHERS – Deuteronomy 13:1-18

AM Bible Study Group; June 15, 2011 Deuteronomy 13:1-18 Theme: This chapter sets before the Israelites God’s requirements concerning those who would draw them away from Him. In setting the law before the people, Moses warned the people to beware of turning from the one true God to the false gods of the surrounding people (12:29-32). And now, he sets before them what to do in the case of...
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AM Bible Study Group; June 8, 2011 Deuteronomy 12:1-32 Theme: In this chapter—immediately before articulating the details of the law—Moses sets before the people the blessings of obedience; and urges the people to obey and be blessed. With this morning’s passage, we begin the section of the book of Deuteronomy in which Moses gave the people of Israel a review of the specific laws that...
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AM Bible Study Group; June 1, 2011 Deuteronomy 11:2-32 Theme: In this chapter—immediately before articulating the details of the law—Moses sets before the people the blessings of obedience; and urges the people to obey and be blessed. This eleventh chapter is very important in the structure of Deuteronomy. It’s the chapter that immediately proceeded the giving of the book of the law...
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