AM Bible Study; May 20, 2009 Revelation 7:1-8 Theme: Before the outpouring of His wrath, God gives the world a display of His grace. The beginning words of our text this morning are, “After these things . . .” The “things” that had just been described had been the opening of the six seals and the release of the events of the great tribulation. And with the opening of the...
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Martyrs Under the Altar

AM Bible Study, May 6, 2009 Revelation 6:9-11 Theme: The opening of the fifth seal reveals the great martyrdom of the saints during the time of tribulation.  The opening of the fifth seal reveals something distinct from the first four. Each of the first four is followed by a cry from heaven, “Come.” But there is no such call with the opening of the fifth seal. The first four seals...
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Four Horseman

AM Bible Study, April 29, 2009 Revelation 6:1-8 Theme: The opening of the first four seals releases the first four events of the tribulation. In chapter 4, we were given a glimpse into future events that will surround the throne of the living God. In chapter 5, we were shown a picture of Jesus Christ in this scene—having prevailed by His act of redemption on the cross, and having proven...
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A Vision of Heaven

AM Bible Study; April 15, 2009 Revelation 4:1-11 Theme: Before being given the details of God’s future plan for this world, John is given a vision of the state of things in heaven. This morning’s passage begins the third major division of the Book of Revelation—the division that our Lord identified to John in 1:19 as “the things which will take place after this”. The...
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Wednesday AM Bible Study

  Join us every Wednesday morning, 10AM in the church Fellowship Hall, as we study the Bible together. All are welcome to attend; coffee and tea are provided. We hope to see you soon! You can also review past Bible Study notes by visiting our Bible Study...
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