AM Bible Study Group; December 23, 2009 Revelation 21:1-8 Theme: This passage describes the the nature of the new heaven and the new earth. At this point in Revelation, 1,000 years of the reign of Jesus on earth has come to pass. The grievous but brief rebellion against Him has been brought to an abrupt end, and the devil is—at last—cast into the lake of fire forever. We’re told that...
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AM Bible Study Group; December 16, 2009 Revelation 20:11-15 Theme: This passage describes the final judgment at the end of this present age.. This morning’s passage describes something that is both awesome and dreadful. It’s an event that will follow after the conclusion of the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth&—;the final judgment. Many people of an irreverent mind find it...
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AM Bible Study Group; December 9, 2009 Revelation 20:4-10 Theme: Theme: This passage describes the characteristics of our Savior at the time of His return.. This passage describes for us the wonderful reign of Jesus Christ upon this earth for a thousand years, after His return to this earth. Just as His return is meant to be understood as literal (Acts 1:11), so His reign should also be...
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AM Bible Study Group; December 2, 2009 Revelation 19:17-2:3 Theme: This passage describes what will happen to the devil and his forces at the return of the Lord to this earth. This passage describes victory! It’s good news; because it describes to us the events that will occur at the return of the Lord—just before He sets up His rule and begins His thousand-year reign on earth...
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AM Bible Study Group; November 25, 2009 Revelation 19:11-16 Theme: Theme: This passage describes the characteristics of our Savior at the time of His return.. Theme: This passage describes the characteristics of our Savior at the time of His return. This passage describes for us the great event that, elsewhere in Scripture, is called "the blessed hope" (Titus 2:13)—that is, the...
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AM Bible Study Group; November 19, 2009 Revelation 19:1-10 Theme: This passage describes the joy in heaven that will immediately precede the return of our Lord to earth. In chapters 17-18, the story of Revelation was temporarily put on hold; and we were given background information about the destruction of ‘Babylon’—that great ‘harlot’ city that will represent the...
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