AM Bible Study Group; February 17, 2010 Numbers, introduction Theme: An introduction of the book of Numbers. . This morning, we begin a study of the Old Testament book of Numbers. It’ll help us if we see how Numbers fits-in with the rest of the five books in the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible, given to us by God through Moses): — The book of Genesis tells us...
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AM Bible Study Group; February 10, 2010 Revelation 22:17-21 Theme: This passage gives us John’s own witness of the authority of this book. We come, at last, to the closing passage of the book of Revelation. But more than that, we come to the final words of God’s written revelation to mankind. With these words, God’s book is completed. The Spirit-inspired, closing comments...
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AM Bible Study Group; February 3, 2010 Revelation 22:12-16 Theme: This passage describes the angel’s testimony of the things spoken in the Book of Revelation. We’ve been looking at the ‘epilogue’ of Book of Relation. In verses 6-11, we saw the testimony of the angelic messenger to John regarding this book; and now, we hear the words of the resurrected Lord Jesus ...
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AM Bible Study Group; January 27, 2010 Revelation 22:6-11 Theme: This passage describes the angel’s testimony of the things spoken in the Book of Revelation. We come this morning to the final words of the Book of Relation—and to what we might refer to as the book’s ‘divine epilogue’. In this closing section, we find the testimony of the angel regarding the things...
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AM Bible Study Group; January 13, 2010 Revelation 21:22-27 Theme: This passage enlivens our desire for the New Jerusalem by telling us the things that will not be there. This passage continues the vision John was given of the New Jerusalem—our eternal home in Christ. Whereas the previous verses gave us a view of the city from the outside, this passage takes us into the city itself. And in...
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AM Bible Study Group; January 6, 2010 Revelation 21:9-21 Theme: This passage describes, in detail, the beauty of the New Jerusalem that will be our home throughout eternity. This passage describes what the eternal home of those who are in Jesus will be like (Philippians 3:20-21). It’s given to us, in part, to spur us on to faithfulness in Him during our times of trial on earth. The details...
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