AM Bible Study Group; July 14, 2010 Numbers 18:1-32 Theme: This passage shows us both the privileges and the responsibilities that fell upon the sons of Levi in general and the sons of Aaron in particular. The words of this chapter come at a very teachable moment for the people of Israel. One of the sons of Levi—Korah—had rebelled against God’s appointment of Aaron and his sons to the...
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AM Bible Study Group; July 7, 2010 Numbers 16:41-17:13 Theme: This passage shows us God’s vindication of the one He appointed to provide atonement for His people. It wasn’t very long after the rebellion of Korah against Moses and Aaron (16:1-40)—in fact, only a day—before the congregation itself, in sympathy with Korah, also rebelled. In that first case, God had...
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AM Bible Study Group; June 30, 2010 Numbers 16:1-40 Theme: This passage describes the sad consequences of the rebellion that occurred during the wilderness wandering. The incident in this morning’s passage is made into a lesson for all through the words of Jude 11. Concerning those who teach false doctrine in rebellion against God, Jude wrote, “Woe to them! For they have gone in the...
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AM Bible Study Group; June 23, 2010 Numbers 15:1-41 Theme: This passage describes God’s call to the people—while beginning their forty-year wandering—to faithfully remember and faithfully do His commandments. With this chapter, the sad forty-years of wandering in the desert begins—until that whole generation of the Exodus Israelites died out in the wilderness. The portion of...
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AM Bible Study Group; June 16, 2010 Numbers 14:1-45 Theme: This passage describes the rebelliousness of the people in refusing to enter the land that God was giving them—and the tragic loss of opportunity that resulted from their refusal. This passage describes one of the most tragic acts of disobedience in all of Israel’s history. It describes for us the sad consequences of the ...
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AM Bible Study Group; June 9, 2010 Numbers 13.1-33 Theme: This passage describes the discouraging report that ten of the twelve spies gave to the people of Israel as they scoped-out the promised land. This chapter is best to read together with chapter 14, because they constitute a unit. In these two chapters, we’re told of the tragic events that led to an entire generation of the people of...
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