Reconciling Habakkuk with Job

Question: In Habakkuk 1:13, the prophet says that God is “of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness,” and yet, in Job 1 and 2 Satan not only enters into the presence of God, but carries on a conversation with Him. How do we reconcile Hab. 1:13 and Job 1 and 2? * * * * * * * * * * Dear friend, God does, clearly, have dealings with and uses those upon whom His...
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Revealing Revelations

A good friend to our church family writes: “I would very much like to know the meaning behind one third in the book of Revelations in regards to the Trumpets and destruction. Please help me with this. I would also like to ask a second question if you would not mind. I am having great difficulty in understanding chapters 6,7,8,9 of Revelations. Can you help me out?” * * * * * * * * *...
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Nathan Who?

A good friend to our church family writes: “In 2 Samuel 7, we read about Nathan the prophet. Could this be David’s son, the same Nathan we read about in Chapter 5?” Dear friend, There are certain names in the Bible that create a lot of confusion because there are so many people that share that same name. One of the much-used names I sometimes struggle to keep attached to the...
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Sermon Preparation

A minister recently visited our “Questions To The Pastor” section and asked, “How do you prepare a sermon?” Here’s Pastor Greg’s answer … Dear Brother, Thank you for your question; and I’m honored that you would ask. Frankly, I feel that immediately after each Sunday morning service I preach, I learn a new lesson on how I SHOULD have prepared the...
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Revelations: Millenial Interpretations

A visitor to our website asks: Question: What are all the views and the Biblical backing for the three main views (premillennial, postmillennial, and dispensational) on how the book of Revelation is interpreted, and what, in your opinion, is the correct view on this topic? Answer: Dear friend, Let’s start by fine-tuning your question just a little. I think that what you’re asking...
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The Role of "Elders" in the Church?

This question came from someone in our church family recently. It was answered very well by pastor Tim Taylor. Question: The Bible talks about “elders” in the church. Are these official positions in the church, or are they just people who are recognized as more mature members of a local church family? How do “elders” relate to other “appointed positions” in the...
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