Revelations Revisited

A visitor to our website writes: “When will the events described in the Book of Revelation happen?” * * * * * * * * * * Dear friend, Thanks for your question. Ever since we started the “Questions to the Pastor” section of our website, it’s been surprising to me how often people write to ask about the Book of Revelation. Let me begin with a basic answer. I believe...
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Does it take a tragedy?

A visitor to our website writes that the mother of a friend of his came to Christ as a result of a tragedy. His friend’s niece lost her life in an auto accident; and as a result of the girl’s death (the girl was a believer), the friend’s mother’s heart was softened to the Lord and she trusted Him for salvation and was baptized in a church. In other words, it took a tragic...
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Where are our souls before conception?

A member of our church family writes: “In the opening passage of Jeremiah’s prophecy, we read: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,’ and in Psalm 139:16 David said: ‘Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.’ It is clear from the Bible that from...
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Bishops and Cretans

A visitor to our website asks: “Was Apostle Paul inspired by God when he wrote in Titus 1:5-14 concerning bishops? If so, how come White Baptists don’t have bishops in their churches and Catholic bishops are not married? Also, if Paul can say “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons… Therefore rebuke them sharply,” can’t we say that others are...
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God's Curse

A recent visitor to our website asks a very simple but very important question: “Are we still under God’s curse?” * * * * * * * * * * Dear friend, That is a question to which I’d have to give a “yes and no” answer. If we live apart from God’s grace through Christ and are left in our sins, then the answer is “yes” – we are still under...
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Playing Cards

Lynn, a visitor to our website, writes: “Some people make comments about ‘playing cards’ as something that’s ‘not Christian’. What does the Bible say about this?” * * * * * * * * * * Dear Lynn, Thanks for writing. First of all, we’d have to say that there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with a deck of cards. They’re simply pieces of paper...
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