Involved God

A visitor to our website writes: Does God still answer prayers and get involved in situations in our daily lives? * * * * * * * * * * Dear friend, Thank you for writing to our website and sending in a question.  I’m always gratified to learn that someone out there is sees our website and takes the time to write.  And the answer to your question is yes; God DOES still answer prayer, and is...
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Subject of the Bible

A visitor to our website writes: What subject is mentioned in the Bible the most? * * * * * * * * * * Dear friend, That’s pretty easy.  The subject most mentioned in the Bible is that of a loving God’s redemptive plan for fallen mankind.  To be even more specific, it’s how He accomplished this plan to save fallen mankind through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ on the...
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12 Thrones

A visitor to our website writes: I have a question about Matthew 19:28 – “And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”  He was addressing his Disciples. Judas was among them, yet all of my...
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Sunday Sabbath

A visitor to our website writes: I’ve just one question I’d like you to consider as your time and interest allows. The reward/ condemnation for failing to consider are eternal in nature. Why do you worship on and/or observe the Sabbath on Sunday? God clearly stated in Exodus 20 as the Fourth Commandment that the Sabbath (seventh day of the week ­ Saturday) shall be kept holy, He...
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A visitor to our website writes: Question: Is it a sin to smoke? * * * * * * * * * * Dear friend, Thanks for writing and asking your question. First of all, the Bible does not directly condemn smoking or using tobacco.  And though many people don’t realize it, several great and very biblically-minded Christians from the past have, therefore, felt the liberty to smoke.  Dr. D. Martin...
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A visitor to our website writes: Question: Is it biblical for a Christian to get a tattoo? Dear friend, The Bible does have something to say about tattoos. But what it says about them directly is in the context of practices associated with paganism. Leviticus 19:26-28 includes it in a list of paganistic practices that were forbidden to the Israelites when it says, “‘You shall not eat...
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