Preached January 29, 2012 from Jeremiah 24 Theme: God delights in those who submit to His loving discipline. (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) This morning, we turn our attention to the last Old Testament king to reign over the kingdom of Judah—King Zedekiah. It’s hard for us to...
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Preached January 22, 2012; Sanctity of Life Sunday from Matthew 18:10-14 Theme: Jesus teaches us what our attitude should be toward the littlest ones among us. (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) I ask you to turn with me this morning to a passage of Scripture that—for many of us—is a...
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Our Pastor

Pastor Greg Allen was born in Wichita, Kansas in 1957; and grew up in Seattle, Washington. He placed his trust in Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord in 1973 as a result of a Billy Graham crusade on television; and shortly thereafter, began attending Riverton Heights Presbyterian Church in Seattle. He graduated from The Burnley School of Art (now The Art Institute of Seattle) in 1980. In 1989, he...
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Abram & Sarai

A visitor to our website asks: “In Genesis chapter 16:5, why was Sarai angry with Abram when it was her idea in verse 2 to give her maid to Abram in the first place?” * * * * * * * * * * Dear friend, I suggest that, in answering it, we consider the broader context of this story. God had made a promise to childless Abraham in Genesis 12:2-3—specifically, “I will make you a...
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KEEP THE COVENANT! – Deuteronomy 29:1-29

AM Bible Study Group; January 18, 2012 Deuteronomy 29:1-29 Theme: God—speaking through Moses—presents a renewed appeal to His people to keep the covenant He has made with them. There have, so far, been two great discourses by Moses to the people of Israel in the Book of Deuteronomy. The first was in 1:1-43; and it involved a review of their history from the time that God first gave them the...
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