Ruth 1:19-22, 'SO NAOMI RETURNED . . .'

AM Bible Study Group; December 22, 2010 Ruth 1:19-22 Theme: This passage tells us of how a wandering soul returned to the place of God’s blessing — and found His providential care already waiting for her. In our last study, we saw Ruth (the woman who pictured the Gentiles to us) committing herself fully to the God of Naomi (the woman who pictured the Jewish people to us). ...
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AM Bible Study Group; November 10, 2010 Numbers 35:1-34 Theme: In this chapter, we’re told some of the cities allocated to the Levites were to be set aside as “cities of refuge” for the people of Israel. This chapter provided important instructions to the people of Israel as they were about to enter the promised land. It had to do with the allocation of the lands to the...
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Preached Sunday, October 17, 2010 from 2 Samuel 11:1-12:31 Theme: King David’s greatest moral failure teaches us some vital lessons about the dangers of covering-up-and the blessings of confessing—our sins before an all-seeing God. (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) This morning,...
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AM Bible Study Group; October 6, 2010 Numbers 30:1-16 Theme: This chapter describes God’s law to the people of Israel concerning the making of vows. Following immediately after God’s instructions regarding the offerings of the feasts comes these instructions regarding vows. The fact that they are given here in the book of Numbers may have been because the story—a few chapters...
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AM Bible Study Group; September 29, 2010 Numbers 28:1-29:40 Theme: This chapter describes the offerings that the Jewish people were to make throughout their calendar year in the promised land. As the people of Israel prepared to enter the promised land, God gives them several instructions for life and worship. Among the instructions He gives are those regarding the regular feasts they were to...
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