Preached Sunday, September 26, 2010 from 2 Peter 1:19-21 Theme: We ‘do well to heed’ the Bible because it is God’s sure word, through men, to mankind. (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) I’m always excited about having representatives from The Gideons International...
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AM Bible Study Group; September 22, 2010 Numbers 27:1-23 Theme: This chapter describes some of the problems that God gave solutions to as the people prepared to enter the promised land. Immediately after the second census was completed, problems that related to the people and their entry into the land were dealt with. Two of those problems—and the solutions that God provided—are the focus of...
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AM Bible Study Group; September 15, 2010 Numbers 26:1-65 Theme: This chapter describes the second numbering of the people of Israel before they entered the promised land. This chapter describes for us the second numbering of the people of Israel just before the second generation entered the promised land. In this context, not only were the people about to conquer the Canaanite peoples, but they...
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Church Family Picnic

Wear your play clothes to church on Sunday, September 12, and be prepared for an afternoon of good fun, delicious food and fellowship! Everyone is invited to attend the annual Bethany Bible Church Family Picnic, immediately after the worship service. We’ll have games for adults and kids alike, and our famous “bouncy” – a huge inflatable play structure for the kids (see if you can...
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AM Bible Study Group; August 25, 2010 Numbers 22:1-8 Theme: This chapter describes the way God used a sinfully motivated man; and turned his intended curse into a blessing. This morning’s portion of Scripture is a part of a story that extends from chapter 22-25. It tells of the events that occurred just before the second numbering of the people in chapter 26 that preceded their entry into...
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