Preached August 28, 2011 from Luke 23:39-43 Theme: God’s saving grace is revealed to us through the conversation Jesus had with the two men who were crucified with Him. (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) This morning, I ask you to turn with me to the twenty-third chapter of the Gospel...
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Preached August 14, 2011 from 1 Peter 3:8-12 Theme: We are to prove ourselves to be God’s people in this world by how we respond to the frustrating challenges around us. (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) Sometimes, in my personal reading of the Scriptures, I run across a passage that...
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PRISONERS OF HOPE – Zechariah 9:11-17

PM Home Bible Study Group; August 10, 2011 Zechariah 9:11-17 Theme: The Future of the World Powers, Israel, and the Kingdom of Messiah (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) IV. The Future of the World Powers, Israel, and the Kingdom of Messiah (9:1-14:21). A. The First Burden (9:1-11:17)....
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AVOID IMITATIONS! – Deuteronomy 18:1-22

AM Bible Study Group; August 10, 2011 Deuteronomy 18:1-22 Theme: In this passage, God calls the people to stay true to the forms of spirituality He gave them. God loves His people. He has made provisions for them to approach Him in an acceptable way (ultimately pointing to Jesus); and He has promised to guide them and tell them what they are to do (ultimately giving that revelation through His...
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GOD'S LESSONS TO REBELS – 2 Chronicles 33:1-17

Preached August 7, 2011 from 2 Chronicles 33:1-17 Theme: The story of King Manasseh teaches us lessons about the dangers of a rebellion. (Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, New King James Version; copyright 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) We return this morning to our study of the Kings of Judah. And today, we come to the story of King Manasseh—a king...
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