A. THE FIRST SET—Typical of the events surrounding the sacrifice of Christ (vv. 4-8; see Deut. 16:1-8).
1. The Feast of Passover (vv. 4-5); typical of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
2. The Feast of Unleavened Bread (vv. 6-8); typical of the walk of the people of God in holy fellowship and union with Christ as a result of His sacrifice.
B. THE SECOND SET—Typical of the events concerning the church of Christ in the age of grace (vv. 9-22; see Deut. 16:9-12).
1. The Feast of Firstfruits (vv. 9-14); typical of the resurrection unto life.
2. The Feast of Weeks or Pentecost (vv. 15-22); typical of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the formation of the church.
C. THE THIRD SET—Typical of the events surrounding the millennial reign of Christ on earth (vv. 23-43; see Deut. 16:13- 15).
1. The Feast of Trumpets (vv. 23-25); typical of the calling of the elect unto God.
2. The Day of Atonement (vv. 26-32); typical of the time of Israel's tribulation prior to Jesus' return.
3. The Feast of Tabernacles (vv. 33-43); typical of the glories of the kingdom reign of Christ on earth, during which God will 'tabernacle' with man.