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This week's special "guest" website preacher is Henry Allan ("Harry") Ironside. Looking at the portrait of this grandfatherly old pastor and Bible teacher, you may be surprised to discover that he was originally famous as "The Boy Preacher of Los Angeles."

Harry Ironside was born in 1878. He became a believer at the age of fourteen, but he had been reading the Bible all the way through once a year from the time he was eight. Immediately upon his conversion, he began to preach. He was trained in the Salvation Army; and he later joined the Plymouth Brethren. For thirty-four years, he was a travelling evangelist and conference speaker - often under the direction of the Moody Bible Institute. He also served as a visiting teacher at Dallas Theological Seminary from 1925 to 1943. From 1930 to 1948, he was pastor of the famous Moody Memorial Church in Chicago, where (as you can see from the photo) he preached regularly to a large and thrilled congregation. He died in 1951 during a preaching tour in Cambridge, New Zealand. He was the author of many books; but he is perhaps best known for his devotional and expository Bible commentaries which are still published and used today.

I had the opportunity to ask one of today's foremost preaching instructors which preacher had the greatest influence on him. He answered by saying that, many years ago, he had heard Harry Ironside preach. Afterwards, he wondered to himself, "How is it that some preachers can preach for an hour and make it seem like twenty minutes; and other preachers can preach for twenty minutes and make it seem like an hour?" It was Ironside's captivating preaching caused this preaching instructor to spend the rest of his life seeking the answer to that question.

The sermon below is one that Harry Ironside preached many times before many different congregations. Some consider it his greatest sermon. See if you don't agree, as you read ...

"Charge That To My Account"


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